Meet the Founder
Marsha has over 20 years of experience with gluten-free cooking and baking. She is the founder of Ea
Did you know that more than half of us in Canada are snack lovers andall of us are looking for something
healthier to munch on? Yet most snack boxes either give us carb crashes or sugar high.
And the only gluten-free snack boxes available seem to exist just as an "option".
Well, Snackalicious solves this problem for everyone.
Gluten-free is a default here, on top of that we focus on health and nutrients taking
into consideration of various dietary preferences, such as keto, paleo, vegan, and vegetarian.
Snacking not only gets you throughout the day, but is also a delicious way to get extra nutrients in your body
when life gets busy. If you are looking for something that will truely motivate and boost work within your team,
Snackalicious is the way to be all inclusive for everyone!
Organizations on the Road to Wellness
Marsha has over 20 years of experience with gluten-free cooking and baking. She is the founder of Ea